Sentinel Health, LLC
Health & Wellness
Tanya S. Geraci, MSN, FNP-C, LMT, BCTMB

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Please excuse our mess...
Please contact the office
for further information.
p: 502.434.7050
f: 844.223.9413
I am dedicated to providing personalized attentive care to each individual.
Currently I am unable to accept new
manual therapy or medical patients.
Please contact the office
if you wish to be placed on a waiting list.
Sincere thanks for your interest.
For accurate & current COVID-19 information utilize the CDC & Johns Hopkins websites.
CDC COVID-19 Information Center
Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Resource Center

Open Hours:
Monday 9:00-5:00
Tuesday 9:00-5:00
Wednesday 9:00-5:00
Friday 9:00-5:00
Saturday- closed
Hours may vary in accordance to patient scheduling.
Clinical News, Updates
& Resources:

Food for Thought
Stay Calm-Meditate
(click link for meditation resources)
Services Provided:
General Health & Wellness Promotion
Treatment of Acute and Chronic Conditions
Disease Management & Prevention
Nutrition counseling for disease management and weight control
Minor Ambulatory Procedures
Individualized Exercise Plans
Hormone Evaluation and Management
Thyroid Evaluation and Management
Allergy Management & Immunotherapy
Allergy Treatment-Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)
Evaluation & Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions
Massage for Functional Rehabilitation
Trigger Point Therapy/Injections
Dry Needling (Cert. DN)
GRASTONR Technique
Kinesiology Taping
New Patient
Medical Forms

Got Allergies?
For general information click here.
Wondering if your symptoms are allergies? Screening Tool
Want to Know More about Sublingual Allergy Treatment?
Taking Your Drops-Sublingual Immunotherapy SLIT (youtube video)